Book Fair

More details to come

Early Dismissal | LAST DAY OF SCHOOL !

Your child's teacher will send home information: 10am Spring Program 11am Kinder graduation 12pm Early Dismissal - check in with your child's teacher before leaving from the program or graduation.

Back to School BBQ

Sonshine and Living Hope Kids are hosting a Back to School Barbecue on Saturday, August 26th at 12 PM.

Teacher Dedication Services

Your presence would mean a lot to us at the Teacher Dedication Services at Living Hope Church on Sunday, August 27, 2023. Feel free to join either the 9am or 11am service.

Spirit Week! | 10/30 – 11/3

Monday - Pajama Day Tuesday - Costumes (nothing scary, gory, no masks or weapons) Wednesday - (no school - in-service) Thursday - Sports Day Friday - Fall/Sonshine Colors

Family Fun Night!

Please note: 1) Aftercare is closing at 4:30 2) There is a bin right by the Hub for collecting candy donations to be handed out at the event. 3) There is no school the next day, November 1!