At Sonshine Christian School we believe that it is important to not only teach the academic classes but also to expose the students to the arts, teach them music, enhance their love of reading and literature in a library class, help them to learn team work and why it’s important to move our bodies in P.E., and to instruct them in a foreign language in Spanish class and in learning sign language throughout the day.
All elementary students attend chapel once a week. During chapel time, the students sing praise and worship songs and then a Bible story taught in a creative way. We have had puppet shows, skits, interesting object lessons, special speakers, and often times the students act out the Bible story.
Our library is not just “storytime.” It is so much more! We focus on authors and illustrators, what they are and what they do. We have lessons on book care, how to find the” right “ book, and how to act in a library. We learn about the Dewey Decimal System as well as genres. Reading material and lessons are prepared according to the age group and complementing the student’s classroom curriculum. Most importantly, love and desire for reading are instilled in each and every student.
Sonshine elementary’s PE program consists of activities, games, and competitions that build character and sportsmanship in our students while giving them a time of physical activity during their school day. We focus on developing motor skills in our younger grade-level children through games and relays. It is our desire to teach students that a combination of physical activity and good nutrition will lead to a lifetime of good health.
We use Spotlight on Music Curriculum and supplemental materials, including; Music K-12, Adventures in Music Listening, Folk songs and dances, and more.
The main components in Sonshine’s music curriculum are as follows:
Music Theory: Children begin learning musical theory concepts in kindergarten. Each year musical concepts are reinforced and expanded upon. Music theory facts are presented through the mediums of fun songs, games, and stories.
Music Reading: Children apply the music theory concepts they are learning to music they are singing or playing by locating and identifying note names, intervals, and other musical signs.
Music Appreciation: Musical appreciation is presented though the use of age appropriate stories, listening to different styles of music (classical, jazz, instrumental, choral, and musical theater), and videos of great performances.
Composers and the History of Music: The lives of famous composers and the history of music are taught to all ages in interesting and informative ways.
Instruments of the Orchestra: Students are introduced to the instruments of the orchestra. They will learn to identify instruments by their appearance and sound. Ultimately, each student will be encouraged to learn to play an instrument.
Integration with Classroom Topics: Sonshine’s music program integrates musical learning with topics that the children are studying in their regular classrooms.
Performance Opportunities: Opportunities to perform include Faith Baptist’s annual Harvest Dinner Program, Our school Christmas Program and a Spring Program.
American Heritage and Folk Songs: American heritage and folk songs help to teach American and World history as students learn about the emotions and feelings of a historical time and place through the music of that time and place.
Praise and Worship: Children are taught praise and worship songs that help them learn to express their love for God through music.
Vocal Techniques: Children are encouraged to use proper singing techniques which will help them develop into better singers and protect their voices from overuse.
Technology is taught throughout the day as the students use their classes’ computers and tablets. All students learn keyboarding skills and how to use the Microsoft office programs. 3rd – 7th-grade students are given their own personal computer to use for the school year.