Good Afternoon

We have an a couple of activities coming up this week as well as our Church Harvest Dinner next weekend. Please see the information below:

On Friday, the 22nd, we will be learning about and celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. We will be rotating through various activities throughout the day, as well as a thanksgiving feast for lunch (provided by the school). We are looking for parent volunteers to help throughout the day with lunch-prep, set-up, serving, clean-up, and help in the classrooms as we rotate through the activities. I know that it is a lot to expect to help all-day, but if you are available for part of the day, anything would be appreciated (and it is a great way to clock volunteer hours). If you are available to help, please let your child’s teacher or Rosemary Warner know.


You are also invited to attend the Harvest Dinner Celebration next Sunday, November 24th at 11:00 AM. We will meet in the church auditorium for a short program where Sonshine students will sing and you will also get the chance to see this year’s Thanksgiving Video starring Sonshine students from preschool through 6th grade!

Following the program we will have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner over in the daycare gym.

Please let us know if you and your family plan on attending by responding to this email, filling out and returning the flyer that your child brings home, or signing up on the sign up sheets at the daycare or school.

Thank you as always to all who participate and volunteer as we are thankful for you all.
