Good Evening
We are looking for a host home for Selina, a second grade girl, and her mom and dad from January 24, 2020 – February 15, 2020. They are from China and said that they only need one room, meals, and Selina would need a ride to school and back. The family is willing to pay. (Selina attended school at Sonshine last year during this same time period. She is a sweet little girl and her family is very kind.)
If you might be interested or if you need more information, please let Rosemary know.
Winter Soccer is almost upon us. If you are interested please watch for the flyer coming home with your student or attached here as well. Additional information was sent out recently in an email.
As we kick off holiday season and there are school closures please be certain to contact the Day Care if you require childcare for the days the school is closed. There are a limited number of spaces so please be in touch in advance of your need.
Have a wonderful week.