Welcome Back from Mid-Winter Break!


Warmest greetings to our staff, students and families after our Mid-Winter Break.  Please remember that we follow Vancouver Public Schools for weather closures.  Some quick ways to stay informed are by going to https://vansd.org/ or sign up for Flash Alert http://flashalert.net/news.html?id=393 .


Don’t forget to register for the upcoming 2019/2020 school year as slots are filling fast.


Mark your calendars for some upcoming events such as:


Final Auction Meeting – March 8th at 5:00 PM

Annual Silent Auction – March 16th at 5:30 PM

Early Release – March 21st at Noon

No School – March 22nd

Science Fair – March 29th

Spring Break – April 1st – 5th

Saturday Café – May 18th at 10:00 AM


Also keep an eye out for our new pick up and drop off map and instructions.  We are always concerned with the safety of the students and families during the drop off and pick up times of they day so we have been fast developing a plan and route that will allow for everyone’s safety during these times of the day.