Good Evening All
We hope you all had a great weekend full of sunshine during this time of year when rain can prevail.
First and foremost thank you to all who helped set up, work at and clean up at our Fall Carnival /Fun Fest. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces new and old alike.
We have a few reminders about upcoming events.
This upcoming week is Spirit Week. Look at the school calendar on the website for which day is what and/or reference the handouts brought home by your child. To start off Monday is Pajama Day!
On Halloween costumes are allowed provided they are not scary or gory and not a distraction during the school day.
The PTL has sent out a survey on suggestions for the upcoming Silent Auction in March as well as asking who would would like to help with this event. This year the proceeds of the auction will be used to install a fence around our entire field as well as start raising funds for our track area.
We will be needing help with donor solicitation and have a Champion to lead a small team of at least 4 in this effort. Kathy has some great experience in this area and plenty of ideas to share on how to make this portion of the auction a success. Without the donors we have nothing to auction. All help is welcome in this area so please complete the survey and respond or send an email to Rosemary or Melanie with how you would like to help out and we can get you in touch with the right group.
Have a wonderful week.