
It’s that time of year again to register for next year’s elementary school classes and this summer’s educational camps!!

This year, we filled our kindergarten class and we are expecting to do the same next year. If you are thinking about sending your child to our kindergarten through third grade classes, be sure to register early in order to save your child’s place in our classes. We have a limit of 15 students in our kindergarten and first grade classes and a limit of 18 students in our second and third grade classes.

We are once again offering early registration discounts, for the 2015-2016 school year and for summer camp. If you register your child for school by April 1st, you will receive $50.00 off of your first month’s tuition fee (the registration fee for school is $200.00). If you register your child for our summer camp by April 1st, you will receive $25.00 off of your summer camp tuition fee (summer camp registration fee is $50.00 and the cost for the three week camp is $250.00).

If you would like your student to take our kindergarten assessment, please sign up for a time at the daycare. Kindergarten assessments are $10.00 and will take place on Monday, March 30th and Tuesday, March 31st. Also, we have our school Preview Night scheduled for Thursday, March 26th at 6:30 PM. The Preview Night is for NEW parents. If you attend this event and you sign up your child for our school, you will receive $50.00 off of your first month’s tuition fee.

Classes are filling fast, so if you are interested in the highest quality early childhood education, Christian values and loving and dedicated teachers, Sonshine daycare is for you!  Thank you for trusting us to work together with you on providing a wonderful Christian education for your children.

In Him,

Sonshine Christian Elementary School Principal